Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Trending Vultures

May draw a crowd, but won't be real;
The truth ain't got no sex appeal.
Whatever's trending here today,
Runs afoul of the way.

Where vultures gather, there's a corpse.
I speak in metaphor of course.
The buzzards revel, this is true,
But carcasses aren't made for you.

Salivating over flesh
I guess we're not evolved just yet.
'Cause pictures show she's clearly boss,
Though all of them are photoshopped.

Whatever human hearts adore,
Brings craving, greed, and wanting more.
Like a snake's ambitious zeal;
Tried make a pachyderm its meal.

The real is hackneyed, stale, a bore.
And mining it is such a chore!
And though it's naked for display
It's in an unappealing way.

The truth is there, but buried deep,
Underneath this garbage heap.
And those who spend their days to mine,
Most say that they are wasting time.

The hip and trendy pass it by,
Deride it as some loathsome lie
To rob us of our daily fun--
That dangerous, half-cocked, loaded gun.

The pious, they deride it too.
And say, "Now that just can't be true.
What you say, I can't relate.
Your words they do not resonate."

But death don't vibrate 'long with life.
Who resonates with sacrifice?
Thus Heaven's kids are too elite;
What child don't prefer their sweets?

Of rich and famous, who's fulfilled?
The trending trough is empty swill,
With sugar added for the taste,
But hunger it can never sate.

And then there's that which we recoil.
Pump fists and cause our blood to boil.
That which makes us so incensed,
For justice or some recompense.

But Jesus said to turn the cheek,
Who really wants to be so meek?
I'd rather show that I am strong,
And point out others when they're wrong.

Hypocrisy is carcass too?
Well, what's a hypocrite to do?
Spend my time to mine the real?
The truth ain't got no sex appeal.


Inspired by this bible passage in particular verse 28, I know I know, it's Buddha one day, Jesus the next, I can't help it that they're both right :)

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