Thursday, September 22, 2016

The City's Heart (a duet)

There's no need to ask around,
There ain't no love in heart of town.
No love in this, the heart of city,
Tenants, we, are much too gritty.

There ain't no love in city's heart.
Before it's dark, you should depart.
No love in this ole place, my town.
You really should've asked around.

Ask or don't ask? Dude, which is it?
Can't a man come for a visit?
So that I may come and see,
This town in all its finery.

Yet you treat me like a foe,
And say that I just ought to go.
No love is here, in heart of city.
Tenants, you, are ones to pity.

Don't come here making all that noise!
These boroughs you had best avoid!
You caught me on a patient day,
But you had best be on your way!

The sun is setting oh so fast.
And through a night, you cannot last.
We tenants here are tough and gritty,
Need to be in this, my city.

Bravado proves your words as bogus,
'N too naive to even know this.
Tough as nails, that makes you weak.
When, things weren't so bleak.

There was love in these here streets.
These boulevards were so replete.
Our elders with respect we'd greet,
'N thoroughfares pulsed with the beat...

Of one this drum of world renown.
The rightful ruler wore the crown.
And there was love here all around
Before you kids took over town.

Dude now you are much too old!
These streets have always been this cold!
If this the place you're truly from,
You'd know there's never been a drum.

There was sun before the rain.
Before you came, there was no pain.
Pretenders to my rightful throne.
How derelict my city's grown.

You think you stay, you're passing through,
And I will be outlasting you.
Bones decay and turn to dust,
But golden that which does not rust.

When, we weren't so weak,
We bowed our heads and swept these streets.
We weren't afraid they'd call us soft,
‘Cause paper always beats the rock.

I'll take my scissors, cut you up!
You know that I don't give a #@$!
You don't know how much you care,
So scared that others won't beware...

And see your bark is lacking bite,
I did not come here for a fight.
The toughest shell, proves weak inside,
True strength is that which softness hides.

Because I know the,
And you're a boy, pretending man.
And hoping no one would find out.
That in these streets you're losing clout.

It's almost time for me to reign,
And that's the reason that I came.
Restart the pulse that should resound
The love in this, the heart of town.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Try and try, yet often sigh:
On the flesh we can't rely.
Spirit willing, sinews weak.
Yet corpses we too often seek.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

An errant thought

Be cautious with an errant thought,
it may become a flame.
Good and bad, it matters not,
it burns them all the same.
The fire of ire, it does conspire
you free it from its cell.
Caution spoken, lest ye open...
Ten thousand gates of hell.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Glitter and sparkle does not make it gold.
And though it be precious, your hand may not hold.
Intangible things can weigh far more than wealth.
Like friendship, like trust, like security, health.

But even these things, their own time they may have.
And when they are bygone may make us so sad.
Ephemeral does not eternity make.
To realize this, let not eternity take.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


And though next to our hearts we hold them,
To their whims, we're not beholden.
In the mirror, look and and see,
No other's image, only me.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


A snake too ambitious, too lusty of zeal,
Tried swallow an elephant for its next meal.
The greed of men's hearts is exactly the same:
"A little bit more," leads to something insane!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Trending Vultures

May draw a crowd, but won't be real;
The truth ain't got no sex appeal.
Whatever's trending here today,
Runs afoul of the way.

Where vultures gather, there's a corpse.
I speak in metaphor of course.
The buzzards revel, this is true,
But carcasses aren't made for you.

Salivating over flesh
I guess we're not evolved just yet.
'Cause pictures show she's clearly boss,
Though all of them are photoshopped.

Whatever human hearts adore,
Brings craving, greed, and wanting more.
Like a snake's ambitious zeal;
Tried make a pachyderm its meal.

The real is hackneyed, stale, a bore.
And mining it is such a chore!
And though it's naked for display
It's in an unappealing way.

The truth is there, but buried deep,
Underneath this garbage heap.
And those who spend their days to mine,
Most say that they are wasting time.

The hip and trendy pass it by,
Deride it as some loathsome lie
To rob us of our daily fun--
That dangerous, half-cocked, loaded gun.

The pious, they deride it too.
And say, "Now that just can't be true.
What you say, I can't relate.
Your words they do not resonate."

But death don't vibrate 'long with life.
Who resonates with sacrifice?
Thus Heaven's kids are too elite;
What child don't prefer their sweets?

Of rich and famous, who's fulfilled?
The trending trough is empty swill,
With sugar added for the taste,
But hunger it can never sate.

And then there's that which we recoil.
Pump fists and cause our blood to boil.
That which makes us so incensed,
For justice or some recompense.

But Jesus said to turn the cheek,
Who really wants to be so meek?
I'd rather show that I am strong,
And point out others when they're wrong.

Hypocrisy is carcass too?
Well, what's a hypocrite to do?
Spend my time to mine the real?
The truth ain't got no sex appeal.


Inspired by this bible passage in particular verse 28, I know I know, it's Buddha one day, Jesus the next, I can't help it that they're both right :)

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Hateful Eight

The Buddha spoke of hateful eight
Suff'rings bound to us by fate
By virtue sole that we are born:
The awful eight that all men scorn.

Birth and sickness, age and death
Would be enough, but four are left:
Like distance from the ones you love,
And closeness to those cursed above.

Next, not getting what's desired,
Sparks bitter, burning, blinding ire,
Reverts adults to toddler days
With childish tantrums then displayed.

The last one may be too abstract:
Five aggregates which root they lack
Awash and drown the core of One
Prevent returning where we're from.

The Buddha spoke of hateful eight
Suff'rings bound to us by fate
And one who dares to seek release
May find the birthless way relief.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


When last we met, remember when?
We were as the closest friends.
But now were awkward and estranged,
How I wish for this to change.