Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Seeking opposites

Those seeking dark places grow brilliantly bright;
Those seeking the brightness, will never find light.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Rock & Roll

Just take them old records down off of the shelf.
I'll be sitting and listening all by myself.
Today's type of music just hasn't the soul,
So go on and say it, "Man, you're getting old!"

So call me old-fashioned, whatever you will.
And say that I'm ancient and over the hill.
Today's type of music ain't got the same soul,
So play me that old school, they rock and they roll!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I guess the spirit grabbed and moved ya,
Occupied and overthrew ya.
'Cause you don't care for music, do ya?
But heard you singing:  hallelujah!