PS C 3
Affinity is from previous causes;
inferior and superior are relative.
The unenlightened see different dharmas;
the enlightened apply the Dharma differently.
As far as Heaven up there, Jesus is too far away;
as far as Upright Matters, Jesus is not remote.
Assuming true, expose the fallacies; sensing void, open to fulfillment.
Who, besides the pure, can reside in the Pure Land?
BP P & P1
Precepts not for Heaven's benefit;
benefit ourselves toward Heaven.
Wisdom is not learned directly.
Without rules, without standard;
without direction, without arriving.
Staying on the path,
what precipice will one encounter?
To honor Buddha, perform as Buddha.
Other ways are good, which path is surviving?
Other principles are sound, which ones not dividing?
Without gain, without participation; without temptation, without species.
As far as Spirit, these flesh suits are against us; if not, there would be no humans left.
Nothing outside will satisfy; satisfy with what's at hand.
Seeing the part but not the whole, who dares make judgment?
Truth is void, whatever mind can grasp is relative.
Only void is pure, chi leaves traces.